One reason for AL-KO Vehicle Technology’s global success as a company over the past 90 years is the willingness of our employees to work with us, cooperate and change. Team spirit, flexibility and dynamism are strengths that we consistently transfer to our working environment. And because the communities and regions in which we operate all over the world help us to precisely create an environment that allows us to grow. As such, our employees and the local life at our sites are at the heart of our initiatives on Corporate Social Responsibility, as well as when it comes to achieving sustainability in our products and processes.
Outstanding products and services can only be created with an outstanding team on board. We want our employees to accordingly develop their skills and responsibilities and experience success together, and that is from the offset. Qualified and satisfied employees are at the root of our corporate success. We promote staff development through a variety of development opportunities and support them in achieving their professional goals.
Leadership Development Programm
Our 9-12 month award winning advanced development program designed to accelerate the leadership readiness of our high potential and high performing employees, combines in-person, interactive workouts with professional coaching, team activities, and self-paced learning to expand knowledge and experience. Two learning tracks are available—current and emerging leaders, for those experienced in leading and for new people leaders or individual contributors with an aptitude for broader leadership.
DexKo Grow
Online, monthly training series focused on topics prioritized to the most identified success standard development needs, during our performance management cycle. Sessions are held virtually for 90-minutes on a variety of different topics that provide an opportunity to sharpen skills and expand abilities in topics related to our success standards.
Online Learning Courses
Our online Learning Management System offers a wide range of common professional and technical training courses across most roles within the organization. All courses are available at any time, completely free of charge and all self-paced. Every employee is encouraged to use this opportunity to foster their personal growth.
International exchange between the sites
We enable our employees to work at other locations via international assignments in order to benefit from the exchange and to offer them the opportunity to develop professionally as well as personally.
As a globally active group with over 40 sites and around 25 nationalities, we foster the understanding and appreciation of different cultures and personal situations and consider encouraging diversity in our workforce as one of the key reasons behind our success.
We provide a safe and healthy working environment for our employees and protect them against health-related impairments and injuries.
We design our products in such a way that they are fit for the future, environmentally-friendly and safe. We handle our resources responsibly, are consistently reducing CO2 emissions and are preventing or lowering undesired environmental impacts.
We get actively involved in local life at our sites and have a positive impact on the social environment there. Donations are also made across the globe to very different, predominantly charitable local initiatives, which make the international sites feel a special bond.
DexKo’s philosophy of “Together is Better” is synonymous with our commitment to help support educational programs and provide partnership opportunities within our schools and communities.
The IMPACT Program is a part of our ongoing efforts of working together to make a positive difference through our contributions, deeper connections, and close relationships with organizations that make our society better.
One of our focuses on the IMPACT Program is GIVE, which provides funding to assist a selected charity committed to improving educational opportunities for low income or low resources communities. Each year, DexKo contributes $100,000 for this cause.
Commitment to sustainability
Bee Sponsorship
AL-KO Vehicle Technology wants to actively contribute to the protection of bees and the environment. The company has therefore taken on the sponsorship of two bee colonies at a local beekeeper near its headquarters.
Bees play a crucial role in our ecosystem. Not only do they pollinate numerous plants. They also contribute to the diversity and stability of nature. Unfortunately, bee populations are under threat worldwide, whether due to habitat loss, the use of pesticides, or climate change.
By sponsoring bees, the company supports a local beekeeper who is committed to the protection and conservation of bees. This helps us to look after the bees, create habitats, and promote their health.
The corporate forest is growing
Intact forests are the greatest climate protectors. We want to do something about this. We have been supporting Treedom for several years: Our jointly planted corporate forest makes its contribution to supporting biodiversity and better positions the small farmers involved. Each Treedom project consists of a combination of species put together according to the peculiarities and needs of the individual area and the village community. Our forest consists of avocado, papaya, lemon, and Grevillea (bottle brushes) in Tanzania, cashew, moringa, mango and Markhamia (trumpet tree) in Kenya, banana in Cameroon, cocoa and coffee bushes in Ecuador, Tephrosia (similar to wisteria) in Madagascar, coffee bushes in Guatemala and cocoa trees in Haiti.